Sunday 24 February 2013

Why Me?

I am the child that always weeps,
I am the child the never creeps,
I am the child that has no friends,
I am the child that needs many a-mends.
Why me?

I am the child that is a victim of a big bully,
I am the child that is treated cruelly,
I am the child that has no family,
I am the child that is a slave.
Why me?

I am the child that never sleeps,
I am the child that alwys weeps,
I am the child of a cruel farther,
I am the child of a soulless mother.
Why me?

I am the child that never feels love,
I am the child that get's a hard shove,
I am the child that has no friends,
I am the child that never will have friends.
Why me?

I am the child that feels lonely,
I am the child that is so un-holy,
I am the child that nobody talks to,
I am the child who is one not two.
Why me?

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